Great meeting — all about preserving the integrity of elections. John Schaefer gave a great pitch on why we need more Republican Election Officers. Michael Maibach gave an excellent presentation about the importance of the Electoral College. Please mark your calendars for our next meeting on March 26th.
Join us Thursday evening!
Please join us on January 30th!
Our January meeting will be Thursday, January 30th at Houlihan’s Restaurant in the Springfield Hilton, 6550 Loisdale Road, Springfield. Social time will begin at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:15. We’ll be in the small private dining room and order from the menu (separate checks). We’ll pass a budget and discuss plans for 2020. Some of our 2020 candidates may stop by also.
Excellent December meeting!
Thank you to all who attended, both new and long-time friends and members. VFRW Vice-President Paula Steiner, a former President of Colonial, swore in our officers for 2020: President Nancy Almasi, Vice-President Susan Valentine, and Treasurer Debbie Bodlander. Hans von Spakovsky of the Heritage Foundation spoke about immigration issues, and Colonial member Anna Urman share her family’s immigration experiences. We also presented a donation for Constituting America to Cathy Gillespie.
Please join us on December 16th!
Congratulations to Supervisor Pat Herrity on his re-election!
Colonial Republican Women volunteered at Pat’s HQ, presented a donation, and canvassed for Pat and the rest of the ticket. Three CRW members — Marion Robertson, Nancy Almasi, and Susan Valentine — were each named “Team Herrity Member of the Week” during the fall.
Please join us on September 8th!
An excellent informative program
Terrific talk from Eric Rozenman of the Jewish Policy Center on Anti-Semitism in the 21st Century! We especially loved being joined by members of George Mason Republican Women, Commonwealth Republican Women, Patriot Republican Women, Mount Vernon Republican Women and New Providence Republican Women.