About one hundred people attended our 8th District Candidate Forum!
Candidate forum April 28th!
March 24th meeting with Supervisor Pat Herrity
If you’d like to join us, please RSVP to colonialmtvernonrw@gmail.com.
February meeting with Author “Digger Dave” Miller
A fascinating presentation by Dave Miller, author of two volumes of “Excavating America: the Discovery of America’s Greatest Heroes.”
Participating in the George Washington Birthday Parade!
Several of our members joined with the Alexandria City Republicans in the parade through Old Town Alexandria on February 21st.
VFRW Legislative Day and Governor’s Bill Signing Ceremony
Four of our members participated on Feb. 16th in the VFRW Legislative Day in Richmond, followed by Gov. Youngkin’s signing of the bill that made masks in school optional.
Next meeting February 24th
Please RSVP to colonialmtvernonrw@gmail.com.
January Brunch and Redistricting Presentation
For our first meeting of the year we enjoyed a delicious brunch and social time, followed by a presentation on this year’s Redistricting from Sean Rastatter, Vice-Chairman of the Fairfax County Republican Committee.
Holiday Party and New Officers
We were honored to have NFRW President Ann Schockett and VFRW President Paula Steiner swear in our 2022 officers at our lovely holiday party at the Mount Vernon Country Club. In photo: Ann Schockett and Paula Steiner, President Debbie Bodlander, Treasurer Michelle Sanchez, Recording Secretary Leeann Veatch, Vice-Presidents for Programs Valerie Wohlleben and Jane Gandee, and Corresponding Secretary Susie Moss (not in photo, Vice-President for Membership Lorri Birch).
Briefing by Ken Cuccinelli
At our November meeting we celebrated the Election Day victories! Next, Ken Cuccinelli briefed us via Zoom on the upcoming Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case in the Supreme Court, redistricting, and other current topics.